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What projects will be completed with passage of the Bond Issue?

The following is a list of the various projects that will be funded with the proposed bond issue and the rationale for the project.

The following is a list of the various projects that will be funded with the proposed bond issue and the rationale for the project.




Construct Two-stage Security Vestibules at CHS and CMS.

Two-stage security vestibules at both main entrances.

  • Enhance student/staff safety and security.

Continue progress on window replacements at Maple ES and CHS

Installation of new windows.

  • The district is in process or has completed window replacements at Munson, CMS, CHS, Maple ES and Park ES.

  • Bond funding will continue key window replacements at CHS and also at Maple ES.

Construction of Additional Parking Spaces at CMS Adjacent to Memorial Field.

Construction of approximately 195 additional parking spaces at the current grass field area location to the south of Memorial Field (not the current playground area).

This estimate comes from a traffic study created for the district by MKC Associates, Inc., in 2014 that considered how the district could improve overall traffic flow in and around CMS and CHS.

  • The district is experiencing well-known traffic issues at Chardon MS and HS when parents are dropping off or pickup students.

  • Traffic flow spills onto adjacent roadways blocking traffic and emergency responder access at peak times.

  • Provides a secondary traffic flow in and around CHS promoting safety, emergency responder access and reducing traffic overflow to Maple Avenue.

Relocate Current Transportation and Maintenance Departments from the present location behind CHS.

Construct a new Transportation and Maintenance Department facility off-site.

  • Allow for creation of secondary traffic flow and additional parking behind CHS.

  • Reduce impact of noise and fumes from current vehicle maintenance area in classroom spaces at CHS.

  • Reduce the impact of bus and maintenance vehicles on traffic flow in and around CHS

Renovation of Current Transportation Compound and District Maintenance Area for Additional Parking and Separate Traffic Circulation.

Construction of approximately 167 additional parking spaces at the current Transportation and District Maintenance location behind CHS.

Addition of parking spaces and suitable traffic flow.

Secondary building entrance.

  • Provides a secondary traffic flow in and around CHS promoting safety, emergency responder access and reducing traffic overflow to adjacent roadways.

  • Separate car and bus traffic flows around campus.

Upgrade of Memorial Field to Include ADA Accessible Bleachers and Press Box Area

Construct west (current Visitor side) bleachers with new 2,000-seat capacity bleachers and press box (becomes HOME bleachers).

  • Address current bleacher ADA compliance complaint against district.

  • Address recommendation to eliminate the current “temporary” bleacher structure that has been used for over 20 years.

  • Address lack of suitable press box facility.


How much will this bond issue cost taxpayers?

The bond issue would cost about $28.35 per year per $100,000 of home value in the first year, and the cost will go down in the subsequent years (average rate for 15-year life of bond is .63 mills or $22.19/$100,000 of home valuation.


Citizens for Chardon Schools
Regina Colombi, Treasurer
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