Support Warm, Safe, Dry & Compliant Buildings
What is on the November 2 ballot for Chardon Local Schools?
The Board of Education voted unanimously to place a 15-year 0.81-mill bond issue on the November ballot. Issue 22 would generate $7.2 million dollars over 15 years for the district to continue efforts that started in the last two years to maintain warm, safe, dry and compliant school facilities.
The focus of this issue is on continuing the next level of capital improvements to our current school facilities and campus to enhance school safety and security, address operational issues and meet ADA compliance.
See the Issue 22 Presentation HERE.
Why does Chardon Local Schools need a bond issue for a district school building updates?
In 2019, the school district presented a bond issue for the replacement of school facilities in the district that was not approved by voters. We listened to that message and began to leverage our available resources to replace/repair roofs on all schools, replace windows, continue boiler replacement, install touchless restroom upgrades and many other capital improvement projects. Permanent Improvement Fund and Federal aid dollars are the funding source for these improvements. If we are going to continue to address the next level of necessary capital improvement projects, additional funding will be needed. This bond issue will allow us to undertake the identified projects that will help us address specific needs.
The bond issue would cost about $28.35 per year per $100,000 of home value in the first year, and the cost will go down in the subsequent years (average rate for 15-year life of bond is .63 mills or $22.19/$100,000 of home valuation.
November 2021 School Board Candidates
In addition to Issue 22 there are 5 candidates running for 2 board seats. If you are interested in the candidates watch here for their participation in the LWV Candidates night. Thank you to GTV for filming and sharing the video.